This Interlock Kit mounts to Square D electrical panels with the following features:
- Space between breaker columns: 1/2"
- Gap between main breaker and columns below: 1 1/4 - 1 1/2"
- 100-200 amp main breaker
- Main breaker toggle action: horizontal (left-right) throw direction
- Main breaker is centered over both breaker columns
- Install a generator breaker at the top of the right column: spaces 2 & 4
- Install a solar breaker in the bottom left corner of the branch circuit columns
- Compatible with 24 space 48 circuit panels. Featuring 12 3/4 inch spaces in the left column & 12 3/4 inch spaces in the right. Making the column length length 9 inches
- Page four of the installation instructions includes a list of contents included in Kit K-5012-QO
Modified versions of this Interlock Kit exist, see: KS-5011 QO, KS-5013-QO, KS-5014-QO (solar modified Interlock Kit) call for more details about modified kits: (804)726-2448